Student Services

CALUMS provides various student services for students to complete their program successfully.

Student Services


Several advising options are available to students at the California University of Management and Sciences. First, full-time faculty members are available for academic advising. Faculty members are available during scheduled hours for academic advising with regard to academic and career planning. Faculty offices are located on the second floor, Suite 200. In addition, the Academic Dean provides academic advising to students.

The scope of this activity includes:

  1. analyzing interests related to academic and career planning
  2. determining the best educational program for achieving a chosen career or goal
  3. selecting courses and student activities that maximize potential and opportunities
  4. developing an academic plan that encompasses both the coursework and the supplemental needs of the student

Second, the Office of Student Services provides assistance in finding part-time employment while at the university. This Office also provides confidential and personal discussion/s concerning life situations which may affect the student’s learning or personal development.


The Admissions Officer and Academic Dean are available for academic advising of the student. They are available during regular business hours for consultation regarding academic or career planning. The scope of academic advising includes: analyzing personal interests and goals, determining career paths, planning course loads, and developing an overall academic plan for course work and supplemental needs of the student

All students are provided with personal assistance regarding program requirements and scheduling. In addition, individual assistance and advising are readily available to students with special academic difficulties. Instructors are also available for academic advising. Enrollees are encouraged to request an appointment with their instructor immediately if any scholastic problems arise. All students are urged to take advantage of this valuable assistance.

By interacting with the students and academic progress, instructors will advise students to follow certain methodology, which he/she finds most suitable. Students are encouraged to seek help or suggest any new ideas to the school.


Students are strongly encouraged to familiarize themselves with this handbook as it offers current and pertinent information. It describes various student activities available on campus, as well as the rules and regulations affecting the students.


The New Student Orientation program is designed for newly enrolled students of CALUMS in order to familiarize them with campus facilities, policies and regulations, faculty, administrators, and staff. The student’s attendance to the new student orientation is mandatory. It is usually scheduled about 1 week prior to the start of the school term.


Library orientation is designed to help new and current students learn more about library services and resources. This orientation is held in conjunction with new student orientation. The University also offers this orientation, by appointment, at any time.

The library also now offers complimentary 10-minute information literacy instruction in the first 2 weeks of any quarter, on an optional case-by-case basis.


CALUMS Student Association is an organization conducted by students and supervised by the school. The purpose of the student association is to take feedback from students regarding the issues they are facing today, and also give students an opportunity to develop leadership by organizing and carrying out school activities and service projects. In addition to planning events that contribute to school spirit and community welfare, the student association is the voice of all CALUMS students. They help share student ideas, interests, and concerns with the school-wide community.

The function of the student association is based upon parliamentary procedures. Ideas are presented, voted upon, and confirmed by the student association president. Any student that is interested in leadership, organizational behavior, event planning, or becoming more involved in school activities are welcome to become involved.


Through the convocation, chapel, and other services, we plan to offer services as dynamic times for responding to the Holy Spirit and the truth of the Word. Passionate worship marks these strong times together. Guest speakers as well as faculty members and selected students bring messages of encouragement and challenge from God’s Word. Student-led worship teams are responsible for planning and leading music and other creative arts during the chapel services. If you are musically talented, you may be asked to share a vocal or instrumental special during these services. Student-led media teams oversee audio and video equipment for chapel services and special events. If you are interested in serving in one of these areas and would like to receive training, contact the Student Services Advisor.


The Office of Student Services assists students in looking for jobs by way of offering professional guidance in writing resumes and preparing for job interviews. In addition, a bulletin board is updated with current job announcements and career opportunities within the community. Resumes are also maintained for alumni at their request. All of these are provided at no cost to the student. CALUMS however does not guarantee any form of employment or a specific level of income as a consequence of taking credits or completing a program.


California University of Management and Sciences provides tutoring assistance to students who indicate a need for such service. Course instructors are the primary source of this assistance. The purpose is to permit in-depth discussions regarding class presentations and materials presented in class. The service is provided at no cost to the student. The University encourages students to take advantage of the free tutoring services.


The University does not provide student housing. However, there are many private apartments and boardinghouses around the University. The Student Services Office helps students find appropriate housing and provides current information on the approximate cost or range of cost of housing. The current estimation of the approximate cost of housing located near the University is $10,800 per academic year.


CALUMS does not provide childcare services.


Each quarter, the Office of Student Services conducts extra-curricular activities for students aimed to further enhance their learning experience at CALUMS. These activities include educational activities related to academic holidays, sports and health awareness, attendance and memberships to external clubs or organizations, benefit program and/or tournament sponsorships, academic symposia, pep-talks, event show hosting, and student/faculty community services.


The CALUMS library supports and enriches the programs of study in the University. The library maintains a collection of resources devoted to the areas of Business Administration, Economics, International Business, Management, Computer Information Systems, Healthcare, and the University’s curriculum for general educational well as a variety of books, journals, periodicals, audio and video resources, and reference materials. The library collection is updated as necessary to reflect current research, discovery, and practice. Access to the Internet is available for library users, as well as pamphlets, brochures, and career information resources. Library resource cataloging is done online and can be retrieved through the library open-source database system located here: https://app.CALUMS. net/library/. The library also offers the following services to students, faculty, and staff:

  • Circulation Service
  • Printing and Copying Resources
  • Computers
  • Reference and Research Services

Library Hours

CALUMS library is available to students and faculty during normal school hours. Library hours may vary during the summer, between quarters, Saturdays, and holidays. Unless otherwise notified, the library on Saturdays may open depending on needs. The library is closed on Sundays. Hours will be posted in the library and on a link at the CALUMS Library home page. See


The computer laboratory helps students learn and practice their computer and research skills. It is equipped with desktop computers and a network laser printer. All desktop computers in the computer laboratory have been installed with software that includes business applications (e.g., word processing, electronic spreadsheet, database management, R Studio, and presentation software), programming languages, and tutorials. In addition, these multimedia computers provide an opportunity for students to prepare reports, assignments, presentations, and research by using the software programs installed for this purpose.


In the Gospel of Mark, Jesus said that the most important commandment is to love the Lord with all your heart, soul, mind, and strength and to love your neighbor as yourself. Jesus was making it clear that every aspect of who we are should reflect our passion for the Lord.

At CALUMS, we are endeavoring to live out this commandment. We intend to promote the spiritual life at CALUMS through academic advising, mentoring, career advising, chapel, bible study or any other form. We intend that prayer, worship, dialogue about God and His Word, and fellowship flow through the community of CALUMS.


As part of his or her spiritual development, each student is expected to regularly participate in a small group. These groups provide an opportunity for Bible study, fellowship, and accountability. Many students meet in a small groups provided through their church; others participate in various groups that meet on campus.


All members of the CALUMS community (administrators, faculty members, staff, and students) are encouraged to maintain a rich, daily devotional life. Times alone with God in Bible study, meditation, prayer, fasting, and praise are invaluable in forming the character of Jesus and in receiving the empowerment of the Spirit. In addition to private devotions, it is not unusual for students to meet regularly with other members of the campus community for special times together in God’s presence.


CALUMS recommends all students to have medical insurance. CALUMS provides medical insurance information for international students. Students have the option to get insurance from local insurance agents. If you need assistance, please contact Student Services Advisor for further information.

School personnel is usually first on the scene of a medical incident in a school setting. Staff and faculty will manage the incident until it is resolved, or the command is transferred to someone more qualified and/or to an emergency responder agency with legal authority to assume responsibility.

A first aid kit is available at the front desk of the administration office. For any medical incident that demands immediate attention, the school will arrange for transportation to the nearest doctor, urgent care clinic, or hospital. See the Student Handbook for more details.


The University may refuse any type of service to students who have an unpaid tuition and/or fees balance. The university may refuse a student who has left matriculation with financial obligations uncleared.

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