Academic Policies

Students and faculty need to know our academic polices.

Academic Policies


California University of Management and Sciences admits new students every quarter. All students must register for certain courses in keeping with their academic plans and for which they meet the stated prerequisites. All course instruction is conducted in English. All students are required to consult their academic advisors before enrollment and at least once each quarter. Registration forms are available online and registration is completed online via the CALUMS portal.


During the first week of the quarter, one or two courses, but no more than two, may be dropped and an equivalent number of courses may be added without penalty (financial or attendance). No other Adds are allowed after the first week except under the same kind of emergency circumstances that would apply in the case of incomplete grades.

A student who wishes to ADD a class must:

  1. Make a request to add by completing an official Add/Drop Request Form.
  2. Obtain the Academic Office’s approval to add a class.
  3. Submit the completed Add/Drop Request Form to the Registrar’s Office on or before the last day to add and drop.

A student who wishes to DROP a class must:

  1. Make a request to drop by completing an official Add/Drop Request Form.
  2. Notify the instructor that he/she is dropping the class.
  3. Obtain the Academic Office’s approval to drop the class/es.
  4. Submit the completed Add/Drop Request Form to the Registrar’s Office on or before the last day to add and drop.


A minimum study load for a full-time graduate student is eight (8) units per quarter. An excessive academic load can affect student learning and performance. Students in the master’s degree programs may not take more than sixteen (16) credits in any given quarter term. This includes didactic hours and research/scholarly activity hours. Any exceptions must be submitted by the student to the Academic Dean and Registrar for approval.


Students who have not completed registration by the last day of the registration period may enroll in courses duringthe first week after classes begin upon paying a late registration fee of $200. Students are not allowed to register after the end of the first week of each quarter. No enrollment or addition of any course is permitted after the first week of the quarter have passed without permission from the instructor involved and authorization from the Academic Dean.


In general, students are expected to spend at least two (2) hours of out-of-class coursework for every one (1) lectureor didactic hour in each course. This policy complies to clock-to-credit hour conversion policies and regulations of the federal government.


Regular attendance is necessary to achieve satisfactory academic progress. Students must attend the first class meeting or they may be unofficially dropped by the instructor, resulting in a failing grade. Students registered in any course are expected to attend classes regularly and comply with class requirements to the satisfaction of their instructor. If the student is absent, he/she may be required to make up all work missed. It is the student’s responsibility to check on all assignments. The instructor may assign extra work, require special examinations, or refuse to grant credit for a course if the number of absences is excessive. Students should ascertain the exact policy of each faculty member at the beginning of each course.

In case of severe illness, or a death in the immediate family, the instructor of the course may excusethe student from attending class. However, it is the responsibility of the student to make up any academic work assigned during his/her absence. Cutting of classes will be considered as unexcused absences. Students who miss more than twelve hours of class time or three  classes during any regular quarter may be withdrawn from that class. Students who wish to be allowed to continue attendance in the class must notify the instructor. If the work missed is completed to the instructors satisfaction within a reasonable period of time, the student may continue with the class. Any student missing more than twelve hours of class time or three consecutive classes during the quarter will be reported to the Academic Dean by the Instructor. The Academic Dean will then initiate the process of counseling or withdrawing that student from the class. Only registered students, University faculty and administrators, and guests invited by the instructor may attend classes. All others will be asked to leave.


CALUMS academic work is established by quarters. A quarter credit hour earned is defined as the satisfactorycompletion of: at least ten (10) clock hours of didactic work (lecture hours) and at least 20 hours of out-of-class assignments; or at least twenty (20) clock hours of laboratory or supervised work; or at least thirty (30) clock hours of practicum, as determined by the University. One (1) clock hour equals 50-60 minutes.


Standard letter grades are used for degree programs. Only these letters are recorded on transcripts and in computing grade point averages (GPA). The conversion equivalents of the student grades are shown in the following table:

Grade Grade Point
A- 3.7
B+  3.3
B 3.0
B-   2.7
C 2.3
Grade Grade Point
C  2.0
C- 1.7
D 1.0
F 0.0
P 0.0 (Passed)
NP 0.0 (Not Passed)
Grade Grade Point
TC  0.0 (Transfer Credit)
W 0.0 (Withdrawal)
R  0.0 (Repeated Course)
IP 0.0 (In Progress)
AU  0.0 (Audit)
I 0.0 (Incomplete)
Note:   P, NP, TC, W, R, IP, AU and I grades are not included in the calculation of the student’s GPA


All grades submitted by the instructor and entered in the student records are final and will remain as reported in the student’s transcript. Exceptions shall only be allowed in the case of (a) those recorded through mechanical error, or (b) through an error in the calculation of the grade by the instructor. In the latter case (b), the instructor must complete the Grade Change Request Form and submit it to the Academic Dean within the first week of the following quarter.


Most grade appeals can and should be resolved by the student’s direct discussion and communication with the faculty member involved. A student appeal of a final grade must be formally initiated within three (3) months following the posting of the grade. If the three (3) month deadline has lapsed, the grade becomes permanent on the student’s transcripts.

The following due process must be followed by students who wish to file a grade appeal:

Step 1. The student shall meet with the faculty member involved in an attempt to resolve the complaint.

Step 2. If the matter is not resolved at Step 1, the student shall submit a written appeal to the Academic Dean. The written appeal must specify the nature of the complaint and the relief the student is seeking. The academic Dean will then schedule a meeting with the student and the faculty member involved in an attempt to resolve the complaint. The Academic Dean and faculty member involved will then communicate a decision in writing to the student.

Step 3. If the matter is not resolved at Step 2, the student shall submit a written appeal outlining the nature of the complaint and the relief sought to the Academic Dean. The Academic Dean will then schedule a meeting with the student to hear the student’s complaint. The Academic Dean shall schedule a meeting with the student and the Hearing Committee consisting of the Academic Dean and three randomly selected full-time faculty members in order to hear the student’s complaint. The composition of the Hearing Committee shall be randomly determined by the Academic Dean on the basis of each individual student complaint; the committee will not function as a standing committee. The Academic Dean will communicate the decision of the Hearing Committee in writing to the student. The decision of the Hearing Committee is final.

The above 3-step process will be accomplished in a reasonable period of time not to extend beyond six (6) months from the occurrence of the incident. A student’s failure to comply with the steps above will nullify the complaint.


California University of Management and Sciences requires that all courses be successfully completed in order to graduate from the program A student must meet the following standards of academic achievement and successful course completion while enrolled at California University of Management and Sciences.


Students must progress through the program at a pace that will ensure successful completion within one-and-a-half (1.5) times the program length as measured in academic years. Program prerequisite courses are not included in the calculation of SAP (program length, minimum GPA, percentage of minimum courses successfully completed of courses attempted). If a student cannot complete the program within the Maximum Time Frame (MTF), the student will be dismissed. The Maximum Time Frame for Degree programs is shown in the following table:

Program Units required for Graduation Maximum Time Frame (MTF)
MBA 56  3 years
MSCIS 56 3 years


CALUMS conducts evaluations of student progress quarterly, taking into consideration the following factors: a)the minimum cumulative GPA; b) the percentage of minimum courses successfully completed of courses attempted;c) the maximum time frame allowable. The following tables can be used as a reference for evaluation.


CALUMS academic work is established by quarters. A quarter credit hour earned is defined as the satisfactory completion of at least ten (10) clock hours of didactic work (lecture hours) and at least 20 hours of out-of-class assignments; or at least twenty (20) clock hours of laboratory or supervised work; or at least thirty (30) clock hours of practicum, as determined by the University. One (1) clock hour equals 50-60 minutes.

Percentage of MTF attempted Minimum Cumulative GPA Percentage of Minimum Courses Successfully Completed of Courses Attempted MTF(1.5timesthestadardedprogramlength)
33% – 65% 2.5  55%  3 years
66% – 100% 3.0 67% 3 years


Students must achieve a minimum cumulative grade point average (CGPA) of the following: 2.50 between 33%and 65% of the maximum time frame; and 3.00 between 66% and 100% of the maximum time frame.


A student may be placed on the following academic SAP statuses and must take the required action associated with each status. A student who is placed on academic SAP status, but meets the requirements in the subsequent quarter will return to good standing status. A student who does not meet the requirements in the subsequent quarter will be placed on the next status.

 Good Standing: Students are in good standing when the minimum CGPA and completion percentage of the SAPtable is met or exceeded. Students in good standing are eligible to register for courses.

 First Warning: Students are placed on First Warning status following the first quarter the CGPA and/or completion percentage falls below the minimum of the SAP table. This status requires students to have their course schedules approved by the academic advisor and meet an academic advisor at least once within the quarter.

 Second Warning: Students are placed on Second Warning status following the second consecutive quarter The CGPA and/or completion percentage falls below the minimum of the SAP table. This status requires students to have their course schedules approved by the Academic Dean and meet an academic advisor at least two times within the quarter. Students who are on Second Warning status and still did not meet the minimum CGPA and/or completion percentage of the SAP table will be issued a Notice of Dismissal.

 Dismissal: Students who were on Second Warning status and failed to meet the stated minimum CGPA and/or completion percentage of the SAP table are subject to dismissal. Dismissed students are not active students. Students may however appeal their dismissal in writing to the SAP Appeals Committee. If the SAP Appeals Committee finds merit in the student’s appeal, the student will be placed on Academic Probation status. If by the close of the academic probation period the student was able to meet the stated minimum CGPA and/or completion percentage requirements of the SAP table, the student will be reinstated in good standing. No further appeals are accorded to the student after the academic probation period.

 Academic Probation: Students who have successfully appealed their dismissal are placed on academic probation status. This status requires students to have their course schedules approved by the Academic Dean and meet an academic advisor at least three times within the quarter.


Students have the right to appeal dismissal status where exceptional circumstances can be demonstrated. Appeals must be submitted in writing to the Academic Dean, describe any mitigating circumstances the student feels deserve further consideration and be submitted at least five (5) days before the beginning of the quarter in which the student requests re-admission. After the appeal is received, the student will be notified within seven (7)business days on whether the appeal is granted or denied. The appeal is forwarded to the SAP Appeals Committee, to review the written records, collect other information as necessary, and issue the final determination. It is in the student’s interest to submit an appeal to the SAP Appeals Committee as soon as the student receives a written notice of academic suspension.


Students who have been dismissed from the University must wait at least two quarters before applying for re-admission and must submit a Petition for Re-admission to the Academic Dean. In order to be considered, the student must submit a written petition which describes the changes in behavior or circumstance that will result in improved academic performance. The readmission petition must be submitted to the Academic Dean at least ten(10) days before the beginning of the quarter in which the student requests readmission. The Academic Dean will determine if the student has demonstrated the likelihood of future success in the program of study. The Academic Dean will notify the student in writing concerning readmission. If readmission is granted, a student may resume coursework at CALUMS.


In order to maintain full-time status, a graduate student must attempt at least eight (8) quarter credits each quarter for academic credits


A leave of absence may be granted for personal emergencies and other circumstances that require a temporary interruption in attendance. Students taking a leave of absence must submit a signed leave of absence form to the Registrar’s office prior to taking the leave. If a leave of absence is unavoidable, it is best to finish the current quarter before starting a leave. Students who begin a leave of absence during a quarter will be assigned a grade of “W” for any coursework that cannot be assigned a final grade. Leave of absence may not be granted during the student’s first quarter. Normally, only one Leave of Absence may be granted in any one academic year. However, with the approval of the Academic Dean, there is no limit on a medical Leave of Absence if reasonable grounds are given. Also, a leave of absence has no effect on satisfactory academic progress if no credits are attempted during the leave period. A student who wishes to take a leave of absence must make the request prior to or on the first day of instruction by completing the Request for Leave of Absence form. The leave of absence is effective only when the Academic Dean has acted upon the request and granted permission. A student who has taken a leave of absence without the Academic Dean’s permission will not be considered as a continuing student without persuasive reason(s) and evidence to substantiate such reason(s).

During the leave of absence, students are not entitled to assistance from the faculty or use of University facilities. If the leave of absence is approved, the leave is recorded on the student’s transcripts. The period of leave is not counted in the time allowed for the completion of degree requirements.

 Students who do not return to enrolled status at the end of the approved leave of absence are no longer considered to be pursuing a degree. Students who fail to apply for a Request for Leave of Absence, or for whom a leave has been denied or has expired, should refer to Re-admission.

 Non-Medical (Personal) Reasons

The student requesting a Leave of Absence from the University who wishes to maintain his enrollment status may do so under the following conditions:

  1. File a Request for Leave of Absence form, with the period of leave not to exceed 90 days per academic year, or to the conclusion of any given quarter term of an academic year if the request is filed after the formal beginning of registration for the quarter.
  2. Receive approval for the Leave of Absence request from the Academic Dean.

 Medical Reasons

The student requesting a Leave of Absence for medical reasons who wishes to maintain his enrollment status may do so under the following conditions:

  1. File a ‘Request for Leave of Absence’ form, with the period of leave not to exceed the estimated/required length of absence as confirmed by the attending Physician/Practitioner in a written statement filed with the academic Office. If this length of time must be extended due to further medical reasons, the student in question and his/her physician/ practitioner must file a new Request for Leave of Absence, indicating in the appropriate place that this is an extension. There is no limit on a Medical Leave of Absence if reasonable grounds are given. Also, Leave of Absence time for medical reasons will not be counted against the student’s expected “time of completion” requirement.
  2. Receive approval for the Leave of Absence request from the Academic Dean.


The normal program length to complete any graduate-level program is two (2) years. Students must progress through the program at a pace that will ensure successful completion within one-and-a-half (1.5) times the normal program length as measured in academic years. The maximum program length is three (3) years. If a student cannot complete the program within the maximum time frame, the student will be dismissed.


Student achievement will be evaluated in all courses. Students shall be fully informed as to the manner of evaluation (testing/term report), requirements, and assignments at the start of each quarter. CALUMS requires all instructors to give a final exam in each course during the last class period of each quarter.

 Any student who finds it impossible to take a final examination on the date scheduled must make arrangements in advance with the instructor either to take the examination at another time before the deadline for reporting grades, or request that a grade of “Incomplete” be assigned, and then follow the regulations for the removal of the“Incomplete” grade. No exceptions will be made to these regulations without the written approval of the instructor and the Academic Dean. All make-up finals will receive a letter grade corresponding to a score which is ten points lower than the numerical score achieved on the final.


Independent Study is offered only to students during the last two (2) quarters of study. The Academic Dean must authorize a student seeking Independent Study only if a particular course is needed for the student’s timely graduation and that course is not being offered in time for the student to graduate, or there will be a time conflict in the class schedule for the needed course with another course taken by the student.

To apply for Independent Study, students must plan at least three (3) quarters before graduation and must meet with the Registrar to determine graduation requirements. One quarter before graduation and, if justified, a student may apply for Independent Study for a maximum of two (2) courses. The Independent Study requirements must be followed and completed by the faculty and student, and then submitted to the Academic Dean for Approval. Meeting dates between faculty and student and assigned work must be planned ahead of time and recorded prior to submission of the Form.


Independent studies are directed studies, whereby the instructor assigns a student-specific research work and material to learn. For this reason, an instructor has the ability to determine the frequency of student contact as the student progresses in his/her research path. Typically, an independent study will involve between six to eight faculty-to-student meetings. The faculty is to assess the student’s academic progress during these sessions. As such, attendance for independent studies is calculated as follows.

Students must complete their assigned work in the time-frame that the instructor assigned. If the student successfully completed the assigned work during that period of time, the student is awarded attendance for the week (s) in which the work was assigned for. If the student does not successfully complete the assigned work during that period of time, the student will be marked absent for the week(s) the work was assigned.


Students may withdraw from courses (see Add and Drop) during the first two weeks after classes begin without affecting their grade point average. Students thereafter are required to obtain a permit from the Academic Dean to withdraw. Withdrawal from enrolled classes after the first two weeks with the proper withdrawal procedure will result in a “W” grade recorded in the official transcript. A student can withdraw from a class by the following procedures:

  1. Make a request to withdraw by using an official ‘Add & Drop’ form or ‘Course Withdrawal Request Form(after Add and Drop Period)’.
  2. Obtain the signature of instructors.
  3. Submit the completed ‘Add & Drop’ form or ‘Course Withdrawal Request Form (after Add and Drop Period)’to the Registrar’s Office immediately.

No withdrawals are permitted during the final three weeks of instruction except in cases such as accident or serious illness. A grade of “F” will be automatically entered in the grade report if the student does not attend the final three weeks of class without being excused.

All withdrawals from classes must be requested by completing the ‘Drop Form’ or ‘Course Withdrawal RequestForm (after Add and Drop Period)’. Oral requests, whether by phone or in person, are not acceptable and will not be acted upon.


There are two ways to withdraw from the University:

  1. Students wishing to withdraw temporarily, but who wish to be considered as continuing students, must first obtain the approval of the Academic Dean.

The following procedures must be observed by the student:

  1. Notify the Academic Dean or Registrar of intent to withdraw by completing and submitting the ‘Notice of Cancellation (Withdrawal Form)’ and/or ‘Add & Drop’ form or ‘Course Withdrawal Request Form (after Add and Drop Period)’ if applicable.
  2. Clear all outstanding debt with the University.
  3. Students who submit their completed ‘Notice of Cancellation (Withdrawal Form)’ and/or ‘Add & Drop’ form or ‘Course Withdrawal Request Form (after Add and Drop Period)’ shall receive their refunds within thirty (30) days from receipt of the ‘Notice of Cancellation (Withdrawal Form)’ and/or ‘Add & Drop’ form or ‘Course Withdrawal Request Form (after Add and Drop Period)’. See Refund Policy for further details.
  1. Students who fail to register for a quarter, without the Academic Dean’s approval, will be considered automatically withdrawn from the University.

All withdrawals from the University must be requested by completing the ‘Notice of Cancellation (WithdrawalForm)’. Oral requests, whether by phone or in person, are not acceptable and will not be acted upon.


Prospective graduates must submit an Application for Graduation to the Registrar before they can be considered for graduation. Students are advised to file the application in the quarter preceding the one in which they expect to graduate.

During each registration period, students entering their final quarter must meet with their advisors to determine if their proposed class schedule meets all graduation requirements for their degrees.

All graduating students must complete their ‘Clearance Form’ and ‘Exit Interview Form’ with appropriate administrative officers prior to their graduation, during weeks 10 and 11 of the quarter in which they expect to graduate.