
CALUMS library supports and enriches the programs of study in the University.


The CALUMS library supports and enriches the programs of study in the University. The library maintains acollection of resources devoted to the areas of Business Administration, Economics, International Business,Management, Computer Information Systems, and Healthcare  as well as variety of books, journals, periodicals, audio and video resources and reference materials. The library collection is updated as necessary to reflect current research, discovery, and practice. Access to the Internet is available for library users, as well as pamphlets, brochures, and career information resources. Library resource cataloging is done online and can be retrieved through the library open-source database system located here: https://app.CALUMS. net/library/. The library also offers the following services to students, faculty, and staff:

  • Circulation Service
  • Printing and Copying Resources
  • Computers
  • Reference and Research Services


The CALUMS library is available to students and faculty during normal school hours. Library hours may vary during the summer, between quarters, and on holidays. Unless otherwise notified, hours during break will be changed depending on needs Monday through Friday and closed on Saturdays and Sundays.


The CALUMS Library staff welcomes your questions. We are here to assist you in using library materials and facilities. We can also answer questions about how to document your sources using APA format. For assistance with circulation and overdue books call (714) 533-3946 or e-mail For reference and research-related questions, please call the librarian at (714) 533-3946.


The CALUMS Library handbook is designed to help students and faculty to find the library information they need. 


The CALUMS Library has a plethora of research resources such as database subscriptions, periodicals, ebooks and journals, and reference tools.


    The University Library uses the Library of Congress Classification System (LCCS) to organize its books. Each book has a “call number” on the spine and books are placed on the shelves in order, according to these numbers. Call numbers indicate specific subject areas. The LCCS Index appears below for reference while browsing for topics. 


    You must present your CALUMS Student ID card or driver’s license to check out library materials. If you lose your ID card notify the circulation staff immediately. You may purchase a replacement card at the Administrative Office for $10.00.

    • Students: Due to our limited supply, books may be checked out for two weeks and renewed an additional two times. You get a total of 6 weeks. You are limited to four books. If you are interested in checking out a book for the entire quarter, please ask about the 1-Book-For-1-Book Donation Program option.
    • Exception: If the class you are in has enough textbooks for the entire class in the library at the time of checkout due to past donations, then you may check out the book for the entire quarter. Please confirm with the librarian if this applies to you.
    • Faculty can check out books for the entire quarter.
    • You are personally responsible for the safety, proper use and return of all library materials. The CALUMS Library charges a fine of 50 cents per day for overdue books.
    • Failure to return library materials will eventually result in a block being placed. If you are blocked, you cannot check out additional books. You must pay for the replacement cost of lost or damaged materials plus a $10.00 processing fee.
    • Reference books, periodicals, and journals/magazines are for library use only and may not be checked out.
    • Reserve materials are placed at the Reserve Desk by instructors for student use. These materials are usually restricted to library use for three hours.


    The CALUMS computer lab can be used for research, e-mail, presentation preparation and classwork. All desktop computers in the computer laboratory have been installed with software that includes business applications (e.g., word processing, electronic spreadsheet, database management, R Studio, and presentation software), programming languages, and tutorials. Data may be printed to the library copier or saved to media.


    Computer printing and Photocopies are 10¢ per page. Please ask the circulation desk for assistance.


    You can copy files (download) from our electronic sources and from the Internet. Bring a virus-free, FAT formatted USB drive to the library. The format must be PDF, JPEG or GIF. We will give you instructions on how to copy electronic files. 


    Some software programs are available on the library computers. If you would like to have a software program installed on the computer, please ask the librarian. You are not to download any foreign software to the library computers without permission. If caught doing this, it could be grounds for disciplinary action.


    E-mail is permitted on library computers on a space-available basis only. E-mail service is also available at the computer lab.